We exist to empower and equip our children and youth to be world changers for Christ!

INSIGHT Kidz is a fun, friendly environment where your children will learn the uncompromising Word of God. We believe in partnering with parents to develop kids’ faith.

This children friendly worship experience will include games, Bible stories, activities, and lots of fun! We meet weekly at 10:00 AM on Sundays at both our Tinley and Skokie campuses. Children 0-11 are welcome.


We curated this experience for infant - 1 year old.


We curated this experience for 2 - 3 year olds.


We curated this experience for children 3 years old - kindergarten.


We curated this experience for children 1st - 5th grade.


What age does my child need to be in order to attend INSIGHT Kidz?

INSIGHT Kidz is organized into the following groups:
• Nursery (infant - 1 year old)
• Toddlers (2 - 3 years old)
• Preschool (3 years - kindergarten)
• Elementary (1st - 5th grade)  

During which gatherings is INSIGHT Kidz available?

We offer INSIGHT Kidz during our 10:00 AM Sunday and 7:15 PM Wednesday church services.

What time does check-in open for gatherings?

Check-in for INSIGHT Kidz (infant - 5th grade) opens as early as 9:45 AM on Sunday mornings and 7:00 PM on Wednesday nights. Please plan to pick up your child within 15 minutes after the main church service concludes.

Who is allowed to check in children?

Children may only be checked in by adults (18+).

What is the check-in process?

Parents/guardians will check in their child(ren) at the designated stations and receive a parent/guardian tag, which must be presented when picking up your child after the main church service is dismissed. Our team will greet families at the entrance and verify the parent tag to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to the kids' space. Parents/guardians must accompany their child(ren) through the secured entrance to their respective classes once inside the IC Kidz area.

What if you need to contact me during the service?

Using the registered cell phone number provided, we will send a text if we need to reach you regarding your child at any point during the church service.

How do I know that my child is safe at INSIGHT Kidz?

Safety is our number one priority! Professional security personnel will be present at all times when INSIGHT Church is open. Our security teams are strategically stationed throughout the facility, and all individuals entering the INSIGHT Kidz spaces have undergone thorough background checks. Each room is staffed according to established ratios and capacities to ensure the safety of every child. Leaders will be easily identifiable by their IC Kidz shirts and lanyards. Additionally, our new area is secured with fob access, and we have measures in place to monitor who is entering the space. All exterior doors are equipped with security alarms.

What is the INSIGHT Kidz Wellness Policy?

To ensure the health and safety of all participants, children exhibiting signs of illness will not be permitted in the INSIGHT Kidz environment. We require that children be fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medications) before attending. We encourage you to bring your child back as soon as they are well. If a child shows signs of illness while in the environment, they will be separated, and a team member will contact you.

What is the check-out process?

Parents/guardians must pick up their child(ren) within 15 minutes of the main church service being dismissed. Children will only be released to adults (18+) who present the parent tag. This tag will be checked again at the entrance to the kids' area, where the child(ren) will be released.

What if the parent/guardian does not have their parent tag?

In such cases, security will assist and a team member will verify the identity of the parent or guardian, and photo identification may be required.

How can I get in contact with INSIGHT Kidz?

For any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us at kidz@insightchurch.org.